
Thoth, the god of wisdom and writing, and his association with sacred texts: Theological manuscripts and hymns to Thoth

In the dazzling gallery of ancient Egyptian divinities, Thoth occupies a place of choice. Guardian of knowledge and godfather of writing, his ibisian silhouette hovers over the millennia, as majestic as it is mysterious. This article delves into the depths of Egypt's fascination with this Egyptian god, exploring his role and influence through the ages. Our mythological journey takes us from the god's origins to his modern impact, and includes an analysis of the sacred texts and practices associated with him.


Thoth: The god of wisdom and writing

Origin and attributes of Thoth

  • Birth myths
  • According to one legend, born from the lips of Ra, the sun god, whenever he uttered words of creation.
  • Another story has Thoth springing from the head of Set, the god of chaos.

  • Attributes and symbols

  • Often represented as a man with the head of an ibis or baboon, holding palette and brush, heralding hieroglyphs.

  • Associated with the moon, he becomes its counter, overseeing time and cycles.

Thoth and wisdom

  • Role in the Egyptian pantheon
  • Arbiter of the gods, he mediates in divine conflicts, using his inexhaustible wisdom.
  • Guardian of Maat, the central concept of truth and order.

  • Associated with knowledge and education

  • Inspirer of scholars and guide of pharaohs, Thoth is praised as the source of all knowledge.

  • His cult is closely linked to education and mastery of the literary arts.

Thoth as the deity of writing

  • Creator of hieroglyphics
  • The highest praise is his authorship of hieroglyphics, the sacred language of the gods transposed to humans.
  • Providing a direct link with the divine, a means for man to record his history and beliefs.

  • Protector of scribes and libraries

  • Every scribe prays to Thoth before beginning his work, and every library becomes a shrine to him.

Sacred texts associated with Thoth

Theological manuscripts

  • Description and contents
  • Theological writings are of unprecedented richness, containing hymns, prayers and religious instructions.
  • They bear witness to a world where religion and daily life are inextricably linked.

  • Signification and interpretations

  • These texts offer a window onto the religious spirit of ancient Egypt, its profound beliefs and its quest to understand the universe.

  • Thoth's role in the texts**

  • Mentioned as the scribe of the gods, Thoth imbues these writings with his tutelary presence, guaranteeing their authenticity and power.

The hymns to Thoth

  • Structure and composition of the hymns
  • Meticulously crafted, they follow repetitive patterns framing praise and supplication.

  • Themes addressed**

  • From temporal calculation to divine mediation, the hymns touch on all aspects of his divinity.

  • Ritual and spiritual functions

  • Used in worship and private settings, their recital strengthens the bond between the faithful and their god.

Thoth and divinatory practices

Thoth and magic

  • Guardian of occult mysteries, his help is often invoked in magic texts to bring wisdom and protection.

Thot and Egyptian astrology

  • As master of the stars, his knowledge is invaluable in interpreting celestial movements and the omens they herald.

Thoth and the rituals of omens

  • The divinatory rituals often practiced by priests to predict the future or interpret divine wills relied on Thoth as a source of universal truth.

Representations of Thoth in Egyptian art and culture

Iconography of Thoth

  • The ubiquitous image of Thoth decorates everything from tomb walls to papyrus, embodying the majesty of this versatile god.

Evolution of his cult through the ages

  • His cult, while adapting to political and religious currents, retained a hard core of devotion and respect for his multiple talents.

Thot's current influence and legacy

  • References abound in books, films and games, where his figure inspires mystery and veneration.

Impact on contemporary esotericism

  • A symbol of Hermetic thought and occult movements, Thoth remains an influential entity.

Thoth in literature and philosophy

  • In philosophy, Thoth is often equated with Hermes Trismegistus, the point of convergence between Egyptian and Greek traditions.


Synthesis of Thoth's roles

  • Thoth's multiple and profound role in Egyptian religion over the centuries illustrates ancient civilization in all its complexity and splendor.

Continuing importance of the god in the study of ancient Egypt

  • Thoth remains a fascinating subject of study, testifying to the richness of Egyptian religious and spiritual thought.

Prospects for future research

  • Exploration of his cult, iconography and cultural heritage continues to reveal long-hidden secrets, promising exciting discoveries for the future.