
Achilles, the strength and vulnerability of the Trojan hero

Of all the characters in Greek mythology, Achilles is one of the most famous. A hero of the Trojan War, he is renowned for his physical strength and unrivalled military skills. Yet behind this facade of invincible warrior lies a vulnerability that will cost him dearly. In this article, we'll retrace the story of Achilles, from his arrival in Troy to his death, including the great moments of his legend.

Achilles is a born warrior, the product of a union between the goddess Thetis and the king of the Myrmidons, Peleus. From an early age, he proved to be a prodigy: endowed with Herculean strength and uncommon agility, he stood out for his courage and tenacity.

But Achilles was not content with his exceptional physical talents alone. He is also highly intelligent and able to lead his troops with brio. He is admired for his ability to devise complex strategies that enable him to defeat enemies superior in numbers and equipment.

With his legendary battles against giants, monsters and the fearsome Hector of Troy, Achilles has become an emblematic figure of warrior power.

Achilles' vulnerability

But despite his physical strength and military skills, Achilles is not
invincible. He has a weakness that will lead to his downfall
his heel.

Legend has it that Thetis tried to make her son invincible by plunging him into the Styx, the river of the Underworld. By holding him by the heel, the only part of his body not soaked in the magic water, she inadvertently left an opening for her son that would become his Achilles heel .

This vulnerability was to prove fatal for the Trojan hero when he was mortally wounded in this very spot by an arrow fired by Paris, the Trojan king's son.

The story of Achilles during the Trojan War

Achilles took part in the Trojan War as leader of the Myrmidons, the elite warriors who followed him into every battle. From the outset of the war, he distinguished himself by his courage and strategic intelligence. But his arrogance led to a dispute with King Agamemnon, which resulted in his departure from the battlefield.

During his retreat, Achilles retired to his tent with his friend Patroclus. It is here that he learns of Patroclus' death at the hands of Hector of Troy. Mad with rage, Achilles decides to take up arms again and avenge his friend. He begins a series of legendary battles against the Trojan troops, crushing them one by one with incredible force.

But revenge is not enough for Achilles: all he wants is Hector's death to clear his friend's honor and his own. So he challenges Hector to a duel and kills him, but the victory is bitter: Achilles is mortally wounded by Paris' arrow, launched with the help of Apollo, the god of light and of music.


Achilles is an emblematic figure of Greek mythology, symbolizing strength and warrior power. But his legend also demonstrates the fragility of man, despite his exceptional talents.

The death of Achilles and the legend of his Achilles heel have marked the minds for eternity. The strength and vulnerability of this Trojan hero remain today a source of inspiration for artists and authors from all horizons.