
Ares, the god of war and violence: His role in battles and his relationship with the other gods

Greek mythology offers a host of fascinating and complex characters, but among them, Ares, the god of war, stands out for his fierceness and brutality. In this article, we delve into the world of Ares, exploring his origins, his presence in heroic conflicts and his tumultuous relationships with the other deities of Olympus.

Origins and characteristics of Ares

Birth and family

Son of Zeus and Hera, Ares is a central figure of violence and of combat in Greek mythology. His siblings include figures such as Hephaestus, god of fire and the forge, and Athena, goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare. Moreover, he should not be confused with Mars, his Roman equivalent, who is often viewed more favorably as the god of justified war and fertility.

Attributes and symbols

Equipped with fearsome weapons and gleaming armor, Ares is often accompanied by animals such as the boar and the vulture, animals which, like him, embody strength and predation. His companions, the god of fear Phobos and Deimos, the embodiment of dread, underline his terrifying influence on the battlefield.

Temples and places of worship

Although less revered than other gods, Ares has some remarkable sanctuaries , such as the famous temple of Areopagus in Athens. Rituals in his honor often emphasized strength and courage, with animal sacrifices symbolizing power and virility.

Ares' role in battle

Ares' representation in war

Throughout the myths, Ares is shown taking pleasure in the tumult of wars, inflicting pain and confusion. Unlike Athena, who symbolizes tactics and military intelligence, Ares represents the chaotic and disorderly dimension of armed confrontation.

Influence on warriors and military strategies

Greek heroes such as Achilles and Heracles were both influenced by the impetuous energy of Ares. His warlike passion is transposed into their fighting spirit and their quest for glory in battle, although this approach is often portrayed as less noble than thoughtful strategies.

Relations with other gods and goddesses

Rivalries and alliances

Ares' impetuous attitude inevitably provokes tensions with his Olympian peers. His clashes with Athena are a notorious example of this, physical confrontation sometimes mingling with battles of wits and strategy.

Loves and offspring

The sentimental realm didn't escape Ares either. His adventures with goddesses and mortals are legion, giving birth to children such as the Amazon warrior Penthesileus and the valiant Diomedes.

Moral and cultural aspect

Ares' actions convey lessons on justice and morality. Despite his indispensable role in conflict, Greek narratives tend to criticize his destructive nature, advocating a more measured and thoughtful approach to warfare.

Ares in contemporary mythology

Ares' legacy lives on in popular culture, where he is abundantly represented in literature, cinema, and especially video games, where he represents an inescapable brute force.


As we have seen, Ares plays a complex role in Greek mythology. His legacy endures, influencing the way war and violence are interpreted and represented. The god of war still poses the difficult questions about human brutality, while captivating our imagination at through the ages.

Keywords: Ares, God of war, Greek Mythology, Cult of Ares, Greek Pantheon, Warrior deities, Ancient warfare, Mythological violence, Divine relations, Temples of Ares, Athena and Ares, War myths, Greek heroes , Ancient rituals, Morality and justice, Popular culture, Modern adaptations of Ares.