
Persephone, goddess of the underworld and rebirth

If you've studied Greek mythology, you've probably heard of Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. Considered one of the most important goddesses in Greek mythology, Persephone is associated with Hades' abduction, her seasonal role in myth and symbolizes the rebirth and renewal of nature. In this article, we'll explore the myth of Persephone and its importance in ancient culture and modern art.

The Abduction of Persephone

The story of Hades' abduction of Persephone and her descent into the Underworld is one of the best-known myths of Greek mythology. According to the most popular version, Hades fell in love with Persephone and abducted her to become his Queen of the Underworld. This caused great distress to Demeter, Persephone's mother, who began wandering the earth mourning her lost daughter .

There are, however, different versions of this story. Some relate that Persephone actually fell in love with Hades and chose to stay with him in the Underworld. Other versions recount that Persephone was abducted by the god of the Underworld while picking flowers in a field.

Persephone's seasonal role

The myth of Persephone is not just a story of abduction. It is also associated with the seasonality of nature. According to the myth, when Persephone is abducted by Hades to become his Queen of the Underworld, her mother Demeter is plunged into grief and mourning. She refuses to let plants grow, and nature sinks into desolation.

This is how the seasons were born. Persephone's return to Earth, every year, heralds the arrival of spring and the beginning of the growth of plants and trees. Her return to the Underworld, every year, heralds the arrival of autumn and winter. Persephone thus becomes the goddess of the seasons.

Ancient Greece had many seasonal rituals linked to Persephone. Mystical processions and offerings were organized to welcome Persephone's return to Earth and thank her for her contribution to nature.

Persephone, goddess of rebirth

In addition to her seasonal role, Persephone also has an important symbolic role in Greek mythology, representing rebirth and the renewal of nature. Persephone's annual resurrection symbolizes the resurrection of life in nature.

This symbolism was much used in ancient art. Persephone was often depicted as a young woman, surrounded by flowers, symbolizing the beauty and innocence of life. She was also often depicted with her husband, Hades, on his throne in the Underworld, symbolizing the duality of life and death.

Even in modern art, Persephone continues to be depicted. Famous painters such as Rossetti and Klimt have used the image of Persephone as a symbol of nature's creative force.


Persephone is one of the most fascinating and important goddesses of Greek mythology. Her story is an example of struggle, love and seasonality. By studying Persephone, we can better understand the importance of nature and renewal in our daily lives. culture and modern art continue to explore this theme, drawing inspiration from Persephone, the goddess of the underworld and rebirth.