
Selene, goddess of the moon and night: Her influence on lunar cycles and symbolism

Greek mythology is full of fascinating deities, each with unique powers and characteristics. Among the most interesting gods and goddesses is Selene, the goddess of the moon and night. In this article, we'll explore the life and myths surrounding Selene, her role in lunar cycles and her symbolism.


Selene: The goddess of the moon and night

Selene is often depicted as a beautiful woman wearing a white and silver dress, seated in a chariot drawn by two white horses. In Greek mythology, she is the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia and is often associated with other lunar deities such as Artemis. Her name is derived from the Greek word "selenè", meaning "moon".

Her role in Greek mythology is often linked to love and romance. Selene fell in love with Endymion, a mortal, and asked Zeus to grant her immortality so she could stay with him for eternity.

Lunar cycles and Selene's influence

Lunar cycles have played an important role in many cultures throughout history, from ancient Greece to the Chinese and Mayan civilizations. The lunar calendar has been used to determine periods of planting, harvesting and other important events. Selene was associated with these lunar cycles because of her role as a lunar deity.

Selene's symbolism is also closely linked to lunar cycles. She is often depicted holding a crescent or full moon, symbolizing her dominion over the nocturnal star. Selene is considered the guardian of the night, which makes her associated with a certain mystery and the unknown.

Selene's symbolism

Selene is associated with many symbols, such as the owl, the crescent moon and the horse-drawn chariot. She is also often associated with words such as "mystery", "tranquility" and "beauty".

Over the centuries, Selene has appeared in various works of art, poems and plays. She is often portrayed as a romantic and mystical figure, symbolizing the beauty and mysteries of the night.


Selene, the goddess of the moon and night, played an important role in Greek mythology and continues to influence the collective imagination today. She is associated with a certain mystery and beauty of the night and is often depicted in works of art and literature. Whether for her influence on lunar cycles or her symbolism, Selene is a fascinating figure in our culture.