
The story of Bhishma, grandfather of the Mahabharata

Bhishma is one of the most emblematic figures in Hindu mythology, embodying the very essence of devotion and sacrifice. His central role in the epic Mahabharata makes him a pillar of this timeless story. This article delves into the life of this legendary figure, exploring his influence that transcends the ages.


Origins and birth

Rooted in divine mythology, Bhishma's birth evokes an act of cosmic grace. Originally known as Devavrata, Bhishma is a celestial figure whose name represents the terrible oath he took and which defines his entire existence.

Bhishma's vows

  • The vow of celibacy: This vitally important oath paved the way for his solitary, altruistic destiny.
  • The vow of eternal service**: Bhishma pledged his devotion to his kingdom and family until his last breath.
  • Consequences of his vows for the Mahabharata story**: These promises had a profound impact on the course of epic events, often acting as the moral heart of the story.

Bhishma, the warrior

Bhishma's career as a warrior was marked by an exceptional military education and by his role as advisor and protector, particularly in the complex relationships forged with the Pandavas and Kauravas, the protagonists of the Mahabharata.

Bhishma in the battle of Kurukshetra

His strategic position during the great Kurukshetra conflict and his struggles, particularly against Arjuna, are the stuff of legend. His vow of non-violence contributed to his fall, which was as noble as his life.

Bhishma on the bed of arrows

Even weakened and on the verge of death, Bhishma continued to dispense his immense wisdom. His unique ability to choose the moment of his death underlines his exceptional character for the last time.

Heritage and cultural influence

Bhishma's imprint is rooted in literature, the arts and the moral principles of Indian society, and continues to inspire the quest for Dharma today.


Bhishma, a key figure in the Mahabharata, remains an eternal example of sacrifice and devotion. His life and teachings continue to resonate powerfully in the hearts of those who seek to understand the trials and meaning of existence.


Various sources attest to the richness of Bhishma's life and his influence through the ages - from sacred texts such as the Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita to contemporary interpretations of these epics.

Keywords for referencing

By weaving the threads of this epic plot, the selected keywords will guide readers passionate about Indian mythology directly to the legend of Bhishma, this powerful symbol of the grandfather of the Mahabharata, whose story is forever inscribed in the meanders of Vedic wisdom and Indian culture.