
Loki's children: rebels from Norse mythology

Loki is often seen as the most puzzling character in Norse mythology. He is considered a cunning and mischievous god, capable of leading the other gods into dangerous and epic adventures. Well-known for his tricks, jokes and catastrophic failures, Loki is also the father of many children, each with his own story, powers and destiny. In this article, we take a look at Loki's children and their importance in Norse mythology.

Loki's children

Jörmungandr, the Midgard serpent

Jörmungandr, also known as the "Midgard serpent", is considered to be one of Loki's most frightening children. According to legend, Jörmungandr was banished to the ocean by the gods, who feared his destructive potential . The serpent measures a gigantic length and surrounds the world, biting its tail and standing upright when Ragnarök, the end of the world, approaches.

The symbolism of the serpent is present in many cultures, including Norse mythology. In this culture, the snake represents chaos, the coexistence of good and evil.

Fenrir, the giant wolf

Fenrir is undoubtedly the most famous of Loki's children. Deliberately raised by the gods to prevent him from becoming too powerful, Fenrir eventually rebels when he realizes that the gods have lied to him. This betrayal leads him to kill the god Odin during the Ragnarök.

The giant wolf still fascinates fans of Norse mythology, as he represents fear of the unknown, hatred, but also resilience and rebellion.

Hel, goddess of the underworld

Hel is the daughter of Loki and a giantess. Unlike her half-brothers, she was born with a deformity that led to her becoming the goddess of the underworld. She rules over the dead who have not found their way to Valhalla, the paradise reserved for fallen warriors.

Hel represents death and mourning, life's jokes that lead to acceptance of the inevitable.

Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse

Sleipnir is without doubt Loki's most original child. The horse has eight legs to enable him to travel the worlds faster than any other horse. This horse enabled Odin to move easily through the nine Nordic worlds.

Sleipnir symbolizes the speed that leads to success in the tasks we give ourselves.

Narfi and Vali

Narfi and Vali are two of Loki's children who often appear as the lesser-known and less important . Legend has it that when their brother Baldr is killed, the gods use their brother Narfi's entrails to immobilize their brother Loki. Vali is then sent to kill Narfi and avenge their brother Baldr. This story is sometimes associated with the theme of revenge.

The relationship between Loki's children

Like their father, Loki's children are often a source of conflict and misadventure in Norse mythology. Their relationship is complex and varies from story to story. Loki's children have only one thing in common: their outcast status. They are often rejected and considered unattractive by the other Norse gods.

However, they are also the rebels of their generation, given that they have strayed from the codes established in Norse mythology. Their rebellion makes them independent, lively and intelligent.


Loki's children are intriguing and fascinating characters from Norse mythology. The stories surrounding them touch on important themes such as revenge, rebellion, death and mourning. Although they are often a source of trouble, they have their own importance in Norse mythology. Through their adventures, they invite us to explore the concept of difference and discover the many aspects of Nordic mythology.

Sources: - Neil Gaiman, Norse Mythology - Andy Orchard, Dictionary of Norse Myth and Legend