
Nut, the sky goddess and her role in creation mythology: The separation of heaven and earth

To encounter Nut in Egyptian mythology is to look up into a starry firmament, vibrant with immemorial stories. This goddess of the sky not only reigned over the azure, but was a crucial figure in the ancient Egyptians' imagination of creation.


  • Nut, the personified celestial vault, remains a protective and maternal presence.
  • In the Egyptian pantheon, she is essential, acting as both creator and nurturer of life.
  • Creation myths reveal an ordered cosmos populated by interdependent deities.

Origins and symbolism of Nut

Based on texts engraved in stone and papyrus, researchers revisit the rich heritage of the goddess Nut.

  • The Pyramid Texts and the Book of the Dead depict Nut in a language rich in metaphor.
  • She is often illustrated stretched out over the world, her limbs touching the four horizons.
  • At night, Nut's starry vault symbolizes the promise of constant rebirth.

Creation myths: Nut and the Egyptian pantheon

Nut is at the heart of an epic tale where gods and goddesses play dramatic roles , where the dance of chaos and order shapes the universe.

  • Nut's separation from the earth god Geb by their father Shu lays the foundations of the world.
  • To discover the story of their birth is to understand the architecture of the Egyptian cosmos.
  • Nut had unique links with other deities, playing a key role in Egyptian mythology.

Nut in the cycle of the sun and life after death

At night, Nut engulfed the sun, only to be reborn at dawn, an immortal cycle reflecting human hopes and anxieties.

  • Every evening, the sun disappears into Nut's body, traveling through her until dawn.
  • This daily rebirth symbolizes perpetual renewal.
  • The Book of the Dead describes how Nut welcomes the souls of the departed into her starry kingdom, guiding them to eternal life.

Worship and celebration of Nut

In ancient Egypt, devotion to Nut was expressed through majestic temples and solemn rituals.

  • Sacred places dedicated to Nut were pilgrimage sites where people came to seek protection and blessing.
  • Festivities in his honor marked the Egyptian calendar, punctuating the lives of believers.
  • Nut shaped daily rituals, his influence extending far beyond temples and official ceremonies.

Nut in Egyptian art and culture

Egyptian aesthetics, with its lines and colors, bear witness to the admiration for Nut.

  • Artistic representations of Nut adorn tombs and temples, immortalizing his celestial figure.
  • Egyptian hymns and literature sing the praises of Nut, the goddess who nourishes hearts and minds.
  • Egyptian art and architecture are largely inspired by Nut, reflecting her cultural and religious importance.


Nut, the Egyptian sky goddess, embodies the majesty and maternity of the universe, a reassuring presence in the mists of time.

  • She remains a pillar of creation mythology, extending far beyond the visible horizon.
  • Her legacy lives on, a source of inspiration for those seeking to understand the spirituality of ancient Egypt.
  • Future research on Nut promises to reveal even more about her emblematic place in the Egyptian pantheon.