
Paris, the Trojan prince and Helen's abduction: His role in the Trojan War

Greek mythology is a tightly woven web of exciting tales, heroic deeds and epic tragedies that continue to captivate our minds centuries later. At the heart of these tales is the story of Paris and the abduction of Helen, an event that sparked off one of the most famous wars of antiquity: the Trojan War.


Mythological and historical context

In the lush panorama of Greek mythology, the Trojan War occupies a prominent place, representing a conflict where gods and men mingled with fascinating indifference. This era, when classical culture was in full swing, left a legacy that still infuses epic literature and Trojan archaeology studies.

Pâris and Hélène

Pâris, the seductive Trojan prince, and Hélène of Sparta, the woman of legendary beauty, are at the center of this epic. Their story is immortalized in the Iliad and Odyssey, as well as a host of other works that make up the canon of ancient literature.

Importance of the abduction

Helen's abduction is not just an act of passion in these stories but the catalyst for the Trojan War, a major confrontation that has shaped the cultural influence of ancient Greece.

Who was Pâris?

Birth and childhood

Son of King Priam of Troy and Queen Hecuba, Pâris had no ordinary destiny. Before he was born, a prophecy warned that he would be the cause of the fall of Troy, leading his parents to abandon him on Mount Ida, but as fate would have it, he survived and was raised by shepherds.

Pâris' judgment

It was the young shepherd Pâris who, unknowingly, was asked to choose the most beautiful goddess from among Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. He awarded the golden apple to Aphrodite, and his reward was the love of the most beautiful woman in the world: Helen.

Paris in Troy

Recaptured and accepted in Troy thanks to courageous deeds, Paris returned to his home as a prince, ignoring the dark predictions of his childhood.

Helen of Sparta

Helen, daughter of Zeus

Helen, often called Helen of Troy, was born of a fascinating union between Zeus, who took the form of a swan, and Leda. She was considered the most beautiful woman in ancient Greece.

Marriage to Menelaus

Helen was given in marriage to Menelaus, King of Sparta, after a competition among her many suitors. Their union was supposed to be happy and uneventful, but fate had other plans.

Her beauty and influence

Helen's beauty has endured through the ages, becoming synonymous with the irresistible charm. Her image has inspired artists and poets, making her an eternal symbol of desire and beauty.

Helen's abduction

Mythical tale

Helen's famous abduction took place when Paris, led by Aphrodite, went to Sparta and won Helen's heart. Some say she was abducted, while others claim she followed Paris voluntarily to Troy.

Alternative versions

The myths offer several versions: some suggest an amorous escape, while others depict an abduction without consent. However, all accounts agree on the fatal consequences of this act.

Motives and interpretation

The motives of Paris and Helen remain open to interpretation. Was it love, the determination of the gods, or simple madness? The judgment of Pâris plays a leading role here, marking divine pre-eminence in human affairs .

Consequences of the abduction

Menelaus' reaction

Menelaus, outraged and despondent, called the Greeks to arms to recover his wife and defend his honor.

Oath of Tyndare

The Oath of Tyndare, which all Helen's former suitors had sworn, ensured a massive Greek coalition against Troy, led by Menelaus' brother , Agamemnon.

Start of the Trojan War

Thus began the Trojan War, a ten-year ordeal that saw the destruction of many lives and the mighty city of Troy itself.

Pâris' role in the Trojan War

Feats of arms and duels

Although Pâris was not the most valiant of Trojan warriors, his duels, particularly the one against Menelaus ( ), are well documented in mythology.

Relationship with Hector

Paris and his brother Hector of Troy had a complex relationship, where the heroism of one often contrasted with the reticence of the other.

Impact on the war

Paris' actions had an indelible impact on the course of the conflict, with contributing to both the rise and fall of Troy.

Cultural and literary repercussions

The cultural influence of Paris and Helen is felt throughout the centuries. Homer's work dominates the story, while adaptations in art and literature continue to explore and reinterpret the themes of passion, betrayal and duty.


The story of Paris and the Trojan War is a fascinating blend of fate, passion and consequence. It reminds us of the importance of choices and oaths, and their ability to define not only our lives, but the course of history. The story of Paris and Helen remains a monument to classical culture, an epic that resonates across the ages and which continues to be an integral part of our cultural and literary heritage.


  • Homer. (8th century BCE). The Iliad.
  • Homer (8th century BCE). The Odyssey.
  • Graves, Robert (1955). The Greek Myths.
  • Kerenyi, Karl (1959). The Heroes of the Greeks.
  • Liddell, H.G., & Scott, R. (1940). A Greek-English Lexicon.
  • Métreau, J. (2002). The influence of mythology on classical culture.