
Sekhmet, the lion goddess and her association with the goddess of war: Her role in battles and protecting the kingdom

Sekhmet is an important goddess in Egyptian mythology. Represented in the form of a lioness, she is often associated with war and the protection of the kingdom. In this article, we'll explore various facets of Sekhmet, including her association with the goddess of war, her role in battles and the protection of the kingdom.


In Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet is considered an important goddess . She is often depicted as a lioness, a symbol of strength and power. Sekhmet is also associated with war and the protection of the Egyptian kingdom. In this article, we will explore different aspects of Sekhmet and her association with the goddess of war.

Sekhmet, the lioness goddess

Origins and symbolism of Sekhmet

According to Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet is the daughter of the god Ra and the goddess Bastet . She is said to have been born from the gaze of Ra, who created her to punish humans who disobeyed divine laws. Sekhmet is often depicted with the head of a lioness, a symbol of strength and power.

The various representations of Sekhmet in Egyptian art

Sekhmet is often depicted in Egyptian art, notably in temple murals. She is usually depicted as a lioness standing on her hind legs, with a human head wearing a sun crown. In some representations, she is armed with a spear and a shield, symbols of her role as warrior.

Temples dedicated to Sekhmet

Several temples were built in honor of Sekhmet in ancient Egypt . The most famous of these is the temple at Karnak, where a large statue of Sekhmet can still be seen today. Other temples have also been erected in Memphis, Luxor and Kom Ombo.

Sekhmet and the goddess of war

The association between Sekhmet and the goddess of war

In Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet is often associated with the goddess of war. Depending on the source, this goddess may be called Sakhmet, Bastet or Neith. The two goddesses have certain traits in common, not least their role as protector of the Egyptian kingdom.

Similarities and differences between the two goddesses

Although Sekhmet is often associated with the goddess of war, the two goddesses have certain distinctive features. For example, the goddess Neith is often described as the goddess of hunting and crafts, while Bastet is the goddess of home protection and joy.

Sekhmet and her role in battle

Sekhmet's role as protector of pharaohs and armies

In Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet was considered the protector of pharaohs and armies. She can be seen as a warrior, ready to fight the enemies of the Egyptian kingdom. She brought courage and strength to soldiers, and was often invoked before a battle.

Rituals and prayers associated with Sekhmet before and during


Before a battle, soldiers and priests often made offerings to Sekhmet to obtain her protection. Prayers and rituals were performed to secure her favor. During battle, soldiers often wore amulets representing Sekhmet to ensure her protection.

Legends evoking Sekhmet's intervention in conflicts

In Egyptian mythology, there are several legends evoking Sekhmet's intervention in conflicts. According to one of these legends, Sekhmet was sent by Ra to kill the enemies of the Egyptian people. She is said to have fought the enemies with such force that they fled in terror.

Sekhmet's protection of the kingdom

Sekhmet's role as patron goddess of the country and the people

Sekhmet was also considered a patron goddess of the country and the people . She was supposed to repel the kingdom's enemies and ensure the security of the Egyptians. People worshipped Sekhmet as a deity protective and grateful for her power.

Rites and festivals celebrating Sekhmet as guarantor of the kingdom's security and


Ceremonies and festivals were organized in Sekhmet's honor to celebrate her protection of the Egyptian kingdom. The Egyptians believed that the worship of Sekhmet contributed to the kingdom's security and prosperity. The people worshipped Sekhmet to protect them and guide them towards a secure future .


Sekhmet was an important goddess in ancient Egypt, often associated with war, protection of the kingdom and security of the people. Her association with the goddess of war recalls her incredible strength and crucial role in warfare. Sekhmet was worshipped by the Egyptians as a joyful and powerful deity , capable of protecting and guiding people towards safe and happy tomorrows.


  • Wilkinson, R. H. The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson, 2003.
  • Pinch, G. Egyptian Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Goddesses, and Traditions of Ancient Egypt. Oxford University Press, 2004.
  • Budge, E. A. Wallis. Gods of the Egyptians Volume 1. Dover Publications, 1969.